Welcome friends!

Here's a place where i'll give you all the info,tools and support to help you build and grow you're online businesses,multiple streams of long term residual incomes, and secure your financial future.

Remember,we'll guide you by the hand to create success when nobody else could!

(check out every label here and then visit the Business Center)

Have already your own website?

Advertise here for free:Click Here

Subscribe to this Feed to get the fresh news:


View my page on All Money Makers Downline Club

Sunday, 23 December 2007

The World's Best FREE Advertising Service

Are You Still Struggling Promoting YOUR Business?

The World's Best FREE Advertising Service is here for YOU !:

Instant FREE Website Submission .
Submit your web site for FREE and be exposed to potentially TENS of THOUSANDS of new and unique visitors!

Your advert will be randomly displayed on ALL affiliate websites like this one. This is an EXTREMELY HIGH TRAFFIC affiliate network. Your advert will also be randomly displayed on our promotional banners placed on our members' HIGH TRAFFIC websites and the list of website owners who put our banner script on their site is growing at a rapid rate!
Submit your website for FREE NOW!


Friday, 21 December 2007



The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?


MVS-EMAIL ADS-Subject: Success rests on this...

Hi [[Firstname]]

A new phenomenon has hit the Internet Marketing world
and I'm writing to tell you about it.

It is the result of our endless quest for quality
traffic, for free.

In this case, a webmaster set himself the challenge of
building his business, and his list, without spending
any more money on traffic.

He developed a system for building a business using
free tools and just an hour each day.

In itself, that doesn't sound too unusual. Many of us
are building businesses on a shoestring. But its the
results he got that make people sit up and listen...

In fifty days, he had massed a list of 6,000 starting
from scratch, without any JV's and without spending a

Now that, is remarkable.

And it went on: the more signups he got, the faster
his list grew, the faster it grew, the more money he
made... he hadn't just put his business in a
progressive groove, but it was in an upward spiral.

And here's the good news:

That man has bottled his system and made it available
to a limited number of people through his door.


Once his limit is reached, he is taking it off the
shelf to protect the value for those early buyers. It
might be made available again at a later date, but by
then the price will have risen sharply.

Really, this is a remarkable system and I hope you
find it helps with your business...

To your success

Gabriel Munteanu

PS: Its called MyViralSpiral for a good reason, but
its not going to be around for long. It'll take no
time for the limited copies to be sold so I hope you
get this email in time...


My Viral Spiral - email letter

How to get JV Partners to Maximize your Sales

Its no secret that JVs (joint ventures) and
cross promotions are one of the most productive
ways to make high volumes of sales on the

Today I want to talk about why they work so
well, and how you can make the most of them to
explode your online income.

Traditionally, JVs are most common between two
people who have created a product and are
selling it online. But that needn't be the case
and I will tell you shortly of a way in which
you can get all the benefits, traffic and sales
of a JV without even having a product of your

But first lets look at the principals of it:
What actually happens in a JV cross-promotion?

Webites promote other websites for two main

1. To earn income from commission sales.

2. To pay, or earn, favors.

The first of these you might expect, the second
is more intricate.

You see, when you're running an online business,
your options and your growth are restricted if
you try doing it all on your own.

Sure, there's pay-per-click advertising, article
marketing, traffic exchangers, and a variety of
ways you can draw traffic to your site by paying
for it.

But nothing beats personal recommendation.

Its human nature: We all prefer to buy through
personal recommendation than by enticing

And JV's, or cross-promotions are all about
personal recommendation.

The only thing is - as every super-affiliate
knows - even if you're offering attractive
commission rates, the site that's getting
promoted always gets more out of the deal than
the JV partner who's doing the promoting. Look
at this comparision:

The JV partner doing the promotion gets:

1. A 'notional' favour from the site it
2. Commission payments, hopefully paid in good
time but always at the discretion of the site

The site being promoted gets:

1. Lots of new list members
2. Lots of Sales
3. Lots of recognition

Which would you rather?

Can you see now why the benefit isn't split
evenly in a JV deal?

This is one of the reasons why it is more
difficult than many people think to get JV
partners promoting for you.

No matter how attractive your commission
percentages are, you will always be getting more
out of the deal than your JV partner. Especially
if your landing page is a list-building squeeze

But there is an option available. Especially if
your aim is to build a list.

You could run a MyViralSpiral site.

MyViralSpiral is a webserver script that gives
you a complete solution for building a list and
a business online.

One of its features is that it turns the above
JV example on its head to provide more of a win-
win for both parties. Here's what you can do
with it:

As a listbuilder, you can offer a squeeze page
for your JV partner to promote. He then sends
his list to the squeeze page, where they sign up
to your list. Then, this is when it gets

Your JV partner can decide which offer page his
signups are directed to after signup.

Gone is the traditional method whereby once his
leads have signed up to you they're yours, to
direct wherever you like. With MVS, your JV
partner can choose what to show them *after*
they've joined your list...

It might be to his own product, or an affiliate
link somewhere else - or he may choose to use
his affiliate link for your product (in keeping
with the normal method).

The point is, your JV partner has more say about
who benefits from his promotion and how. And
that kind of power makes all the difference when
it comes to getting others to promote for you,
and build your list.

This is one of many characterisics of
MyViralSpiral that make it well worth a good
look if you want to start building JV


Thursday, 20 December 2007

My Power Mall email letter3

Hello friend ,

I hope you are still thinking about My Power Mall. It has done so much to change my own life! Here is some more information to help you make the right decision for you...


Take a look at the foundation of the My Power Mall system. Every single person receives their own FREE Personal Shopping Mall. There are over 1,000 stores in your Mall; many of them are name-brand stores you shop at every day. The difference is that when you walk into your local Sears store and buy a pair of shoes, only Sears makes money. With the MY POWER MALL System, our Rebate Program allows you to make mon.ey when you shop at any of your online store including Sear, Macy's, Kohls and many more stores (over 1,000) on your own online Mall.


You can buy virtually anything in your own Power Mall.

- Electronics - Clothing

- Books - Jewelry

- Insurance - Airline Tickets

- Rental Cars - Restaurant Meals

- Gifts - Food

- Health supplies - Pet Products

- Home Products - Gardening Equipment

- Toilet Paper - Toothpaste

- Gift Cards

The list could go on and on. 1000+ stores with millions of products ensure you will find what you need.

But that is not all. There is an entire team of people scouring the Mall for you daily looking for the very best deals available, ensuring you will save as much money as possible when you are purchasing the everyday items you need and want. They do all the searching and then they let you know what they find. Amazing!


It is really very simple. You shop for things you are going to buy anyway, and MPM sends you Rebate checks for a portion of your purchase. As an additional bonus you will not have to spend gas or time to shop, things will be delivered right to your door, you will never have to wonder if the store is going to have your color or size, and you will be reducing greenhouse emissions by not driving your car so much! Stay home, click through 1000+ stores, buy what you want and make money! It becomes even more exciting when you start sharing your FREE Power Mall with other people. Your income potential is virtually unlimited.

Presenting.... MY POWER MALL!

- MY POWER MALL really is FREE. There is no cost to you. EVER.

- There is nothing to SELL. All you have to do is shop in any one of 1000+ stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your family need and want.

- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it, it is yours. Pretty simple.

- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!

- All tools are FREE. You're given everything you need.

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that is their motto: Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!

If you are intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at


You will be able to view a great video and have every question answered. And, if you would like a live person to talk to, please contact me at office@gabrielmunteanu.ws

I look forward to working with you!


Gabriel Munteanu


The Daily Motivator - inspirational movies

Great day - inspirational movies:

main website:

Positive Pause Daily Version - (Positive Attitude):


Wednesday, 19 December 2007

GRIN Team - short email letter

Hello,my friends from all over the world! Are ready for Once in Lifetime Income Opportunity? http://www.grinteam.com/?26

And if you want to join our community to have more info about online Incomes for Life , sign up here: http://MySuperMegaList.com/gabrielm


Would you be interested in discovering how thousands of people are creating a part-time fortune from home that is paying as much or more than their full time jobs? Our company is looking for representatives of our in-demand services who are interested in making a residual income for life. The name of our company is Global Domains International, featured in Top 500 Inc as being the 37th out of 500 fastest growing companies. Global Domains International is the official registry for all dot ws domain names. Our debt free and 6

year old company is allowing you to join today for no cost and absolutely no risk or obligation. You will receive your very own internet address, website, e-mail, plus other tools worth hundreds of dollars completely free for 7 days. To remain a member is only $10/month, and all you have to do is sharethis amazing opportunity to others! Go to www.my.ws/gabim and access code gabim to find out more and start creating your

part-time fortune! No experience is required, we fully train each of our representatives in both online and offline sales. In fact, our system does most of the selling, all you need to do is send them to your website, so write down this: www.my.ws/gabim with access code gabim. We look forward to seeing you on the inside! Pay close attention!This is Once in a Lifetime Income Opportunity!

uVme - email letter3

The Tidal Wave is on its Way....and YOU can be ahead of that wave!! Simply share this fantastic..once in a lifetime opportunity with everyone who you know!!! www.evolutioniscoming.com/EVO172719GM

Instantly Start Receiving The Results You've Always Wanted

Take Advantage of This Web Business Site! It's FREE for Life!!! FREE for Life ! Your Own Shopping Mall!

and a Free Gift for you :1) FREE Advertising Service

The Secret: Law of Attraction - the Movie

"The Secret is the answer to all that has been,all that is,and all that will ever be."-click here,sign up for Free,then login and watch the movie


...It’s time to Stop Wishing and Start letting the Internet work for You!

Hello my Friends,

The founder of Chrysler Motors once said the reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers.

Sure, we all do a little four-leaf clover hunting now and then.

But when I decided to stop wishing and start building my career I discovered that running a successful business was very much within my reach.

I don’t have a fancy degree.

My IQ is average.

My talents are ordinary.

My dad isn’t rich.

But, I run my own business and make a good living because of three things:

• The power of the Internet.

• The right tools and support.

• Persistence.

I discovered that through the Internet I can reach thousands of people all over the world to market my business.

I learned about simple Internet tools that actually build my business for me!

And I found out the key to my Internet success isn’t about talent, it’s about persistence.

If you are ready to build your personal income, if you aren’t afraid to color outside the lines of traditional business, if you have persistence—then it’s time to stop wishing and start letting the Internet work for you!

Check out my Web site below and discover on your own how exciting owning an Internet business can be.

.CLICK here to see the 7 min Movie and Start making MONEY Today!


Gabriel Munteanu


Y!mess ID: join4profit


Visit: FREE Viral Advertising

to see the Power of Viral Marketing in Action

see how:20 million people are waiting to see your website who generates 2 million dollars for you!

.CLICK here- ZeroCostRecruiting.com- Simple,Easy and Effective System!

And here's another FREE Gift for you:

.FREE Advertising Service and Powerfull Duplication System

P.S. The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch. (Jim Rohn)

Hi Friends,Only A Loser Would Be To Proud To Not Try This...

It’s About Time Someone Created This!

.CLICK HERE!-it's FREE !- www.GrinTeam.com

GRIN Marketing Team

Most people fail in network marketing because they are trying to make it on their own. This doesn’t have to happen to you.

We are a group of like-minded individuals that are fed up with the under-performing, non-supporting, over-hyped, over-priced garbage and schemes that have taken over the internet.

We provide a community for networkers to come to for support, training, and tools that will help you grow your business as well as help you grow as a networker. It doesn't matter if you're a heavy hitter or just starting out, this site has been created for YOU!


We Can Help You:

Create A Downline That Doesn't Want To Quit!

Make Over $11,000 Per Month For Advertising Your Own Product Or Business!

Become The Sponsor That You Always Wish You Had!

People Are Begging For A Solution, Millions of People Search The Internet Each Day For An Answer To Their Financial Future.. Do You Have The Answer For Them Yet?


This New Company Will Change Network Marketing Forever! Be A Part Of It!

GRIN Marketing Team

.CLICK HERE!- It's FREE!-see how it works!-www.grinteam.com

Yours in freedom,

Gabriel Munteanu


Y!mess ID: join4profit


Visit: http://www.free-viral-advertising.com/index.php?r=243

to see the Power of Viral Marketing in Action

.CLICK HERE to see how 20 million people are waiting to see YOUR Website and earn 2 million $ in the process!


And here's another FREE Gift for you:

.CLICK HERE for Your FREE Advertising Service and Duplication Service and Start making Money in less than 10 min !

P.S. The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch. (Jim Rohn)

Life Has To Be A Wonderfull Place To Live...(1)

But it's all about SUCCESS!

Did you ever asked yourself what is the Nature of Success?

Success is a very personal thing,but I think most people would agree that true success is about to be fulfilled in life.

It's that feeling of deep satisfaction that starts in your soul,and radiates through your beeing.

The end result is Happiness and Peace Of Mind.

In this 3 minutes inspirational movie,I'd like to share with you what Success means to me.

I Invite You to sit back,turn up your speakers and enjoy.

Prepare yourself to be inspired by this 3 min movie:

The Nature of Success

Do You Want To See More?... Share With Your Family and Friends?...

Our goal, like our name, is simple: to help you reinforce what's most important in your life or in your company.

.CLICK HERE - Visit us to see who we are and what are we doing,and also you may earn 10% by reffering others!-Join the Affiliate Program who generates you monthly a nice income!- Join us Today- It's FREE !-CLICK HERE !

Experience A Life With No Financial Worries...!

How would you know this is the lucky day? You have to try this on your own too!

Secure YOUR Position ahead of the crowds !

Do it for You and for Your Family ! See you inside!:

Hi Friends,I Almost Fell Off My Chair When I Saw This...

Click To Register With A Social Network That Pays Lifetime Commissions!
I know you must be thinking I was over-exaggerating in my subject line. But I'm not kidding! I really had to double check to confirm it's real.
What's the reason?
I just chanced upon a social networking site which totally blew me away!
'What?! It's just a social networking site?' Before you feel cheated or disappointed, let me ask you a question.
'Have you heard of a social networking site that pays you simply for joining?
Bet you haven't right?
But I just did!
My friends have just launched a brand new site called Kanggie and it is taking the internet world by storm.
Not only do you receive free credits just by signing up at their site, you also get to enjoy a referral program which pays you lifetime commissions!
Meaning to say, you just have to invite your friends to join and you get to earn 20% -50% commissions on every single cent they spend on the site for your entire lifetime!
This is not like the usual affiliate program whereby you have to promote constantly to your subscribers. Once someone is referred by you to join Kanggie, the person gets locked under you.
So whatever cent he/she spends, the commissions go to you. And there's going to be products being added every single week and you do not have to do any further promotion.
Think about it as being paid multiple times and for your lifetime based on just a one-time effort!
And we all know how viral and popular social networking sites are these days. So can you imagine if all your friends were to join under you? Or all your subscribers?
I can! As all my friends are pouring in the moment they heard of this amazing opportunity!
But that's not everything Kanggie is all about..
Kanggie also has many features that allow internet marketers to gain exposure and credibility for themselves. And it even has a tutorial section which offers a ton of internet marketing resources including over 100 step-by-step training video tutorials.
Feeling excited? Don't be!
Just be my friend at Kanggie and hop into where fun is!
Y!mess id: join4profit
*Unannounced Bonus*
Claim Your Free Lifetime Membership

And Start Earning Lifetime Commissions!

Hi, Are You Feeling Lonely Today?...

Next Step, Join Me As a Friend And

Earn Lifetime Commissions At Kanggie!

Come join me on Gabriel Munteanu's Social Network!

Gabriel Munteanu has invited you to join Gabriel Munteanu's Social


Come join me on Gabriel Munteanu's Social Network!

Click here to join Gabriel Munteanu's Social Network!


Viralets - use the power of viral marketing

Use the power of viral marketing

to easy spread your news !
Brand New "Viralets" Will Spread Your Content All Over The Internet Like a Virus!

vi ' ra • let (n.) 1. A small website endowed with viral marketing power, such that it spreads and spreads all over the Internet like a virus, all by itself. 2. The concept that brought the viral marketing power of the giants, like YouTube.com, MySpace.com, and Wikipedia.com, to anyone with an Internet connection and something to say (for FREE).

Have you ever wanted to own a website which kept spreading and spreading all over the Internet like wildfire, because everyone who visited it couldn't help but tell all their friends about it?

You see, there's a little psychological phenomenon you can harness to turn just about any content on the Internet into a little website that spreads like a virus -- all by itself.

And no, we don't mean a web page that will give you a disease or a computer virus. A viral web page is not an actual virus!

Viral marketing, also known as "word of mouth" marketing, is all about getting people to tell other people about what you're trying to market. A viral web site is one which people just can't help but tell other people about.

When thousands of people are all telling eachother about your website, it sure beats having to do it yourself! And that's exactly how YouTube.com, MySpace.com, Wikipedia.com, and all the other giants of today's Internet did it. They never spent a dime on advertising.

So if it's not an actual virus, why is it called "viral marketing" then?

When music, products, websites, and ideas spread extremely quickly by word of mouth, it actually really does mimic the behavior of a virus.

Think about it. You create a website, and you tell 5 people about it. You could think of it like you just "infected" those 5 people with the idea of your website.

But, since the website is "viral," those 5 people are going to be telling their friends about it too! So, those 5 people "infect" their friends. And then they "infect" their friends. And the process keeps repeating itself.

Before you know it, everyone on the 'net knows about your site, and all you did was get it started by telling a few people!

You've probably seen this happen so many times before to other sites, but now you're going to learn why this happens to some sites and not others, and how to harness that power for yourself...

What makes a website more viral than another?

Plain and simple: a website is viral if people who visit it tell their friends about it.

So, one way to make your site viral is to make it "so incredibly cool" that everyone who visits it will just have to tell their friends about it.

And indeed, there have been quite a few sites which have succeeded in this way.

The problem is, however, it's really hard to control how "incredibly cool" your site is. It's not a very solid thing to rely on if you have got to get your content out there.

Or, what if you have content that you want to spread, but you've already put it out there, and apparently it isn't "cool" enough, because people aren't telling their friends about it?

A better term for "cool" might be "naturally viral." Some content on the Internet is naturally viral if you can just throw it up on a website, tell a few people, and all of a sudden before you know it you're getting millions of hits.

I suspect if your content is already like this, you wouldn't be reading this page, however.

As it turns out, most valuable information isn't naturally viral. In other words, it doesn't trigger people to tell anyone about it. Just think about all the great websites you surf to, or blog posts that you read, but never actually took the time to send an email to anyone about.

Understanding what makes a certain piece of content naturally viral is highly complex, and to be honest there is not yet a complete theory on what controls this. So, most naturally viral websites these days end up being viral due to luck, to be honest.

So how can you make any content viral, even if it isn't "naturally" viral? Surely there must be a way that isn't based on luck!

How I suddenly turned a regular site into a massively viral one...

One day, I was working on a fairly regular website of mine. It wasn't viral, so I had to put in effort to get every visitor that I wanted. As we all know, this can take a lot of work.

I knew that the secret was going to be to make it viral, so that people would just tell eachother about it and I wouldn't have to worry about marketing anymore.

But, how?

Then, suddenly, I had a massive realization about the power of curiosity.

You see, curiosity is a very funny thing.

If you're in the middle of a great movie or a conversation and you get interrupted, you're going to do what it takes to get back to it and find out what happens next, right? It's not really even something you have a choice about. You have to find out what happens next.

What I figured out how to do was harness this intense curiosity, and convert it into "viral energy" which caused my visitors to tell all their friends about my site.

And boy, did it work.

Do you want to know how I did it?

Chances are, since you're still reading, you do. This means that you're curious, right? Well, let this curiosity serve as a demonstration, then.

Think about this for a moment. I don't have to give away my secret for free, right? I could charge you for it. But instead, what if I merely asked you to spread the word about my website in exchange for me telling you the answer?

You do me a favor, of spreading the word about my site (if you liked it so far), and I'll tell you the rest of the story.

Now, for the record, I won't do that here -- I'm spilling it all right on this page. But, that's the essence of how I did it.

You see, I set up a site based on this principle, and it was amazing. I set up a website where I gave away some pretty good stuff for free, but I told them that in exchange for me making all of it available for free, if they liked it they should tell some people about my site.

Well, people liked what I showed them on the front page of my site, so they had no problem telling their friends about it. And, they were so curious about the rest of what I had to say, that they actually did tell all their friends about it.

They just needed that little nudge to actually open their email client and do it!

And of course, when their friends came to the site, they were curious about the rest too, so they told all their friends as well. And the process kept repeating itself!

Bingo, a viral website!

Before I knew it, I was getting thousands of hits every day, and I was making sales left and right.

I had successfully harnessed curiosity to transform content that wouldn't have been naturally viral into an insanely viral website.

Here's some examples,click on them
follow instructions and earn :











Marketing Systems - GDI downline builders too

Here's a list of the best marketing systems
for promoting GDI business and income opportunity
together with any businesses you may actually run!

Team work help you build solid business,long term
streams of 10's of residual income even if you're
the first time on Internet.

AUTOMATE Your Businesses and build huge downlines!

Very simple ,"FOLLOW ME" type,easy to setup,step by step.

JOIN the teams below to EXPLODE Your Incomes!

Click the links and follow the steps:

1) http://www.hits2u.com/?359310

2) http://www.grinteam.com/?26

3) http://www.gditeambuilder.ws/gabrielm

4) http://www.payitforward4profits.com/gabrielm

5) http://www.cashflow123.com/gabrielm

6) http://www.3stepsecret.com/gabrielm

7) http://zerocostrecruiting.com/r/gabrielm

8) http://adbux.org/?r=gabrielm

9) http://www.marketingpond.com/ref.cgi/9227/

10) http://www.income-opportunities.com/cgi-bin/freesoftware.cgi/27960/

11) http://www.yournewdownline.com/r/gabrielm/home.html

12) http://www.home-income-team.com/info/gabrielm

13) http://www.pre-launch4income.com/ref-gabrielm

14) http://www.listbandit.com/index.php/gabrielm

15) http://www.megabooster.com/intro.php/4651

16) http://www.earthfriendlybiz.com/r/gabrielm/home.html

17) http://www.freemoneyteam.com/?2479

18) http://www.downlinemax.com/r/gabrielm

19) http://mydlb.com/index.php?referid=gabrielm

20) http://affiliatefunnel.com/promoteyou.php?rid=5448

21) http://www.buildhugedownlines.com/r/gabrielm/home.html

22) http://downlinepartners.com/?gabrielm

23) http://www.monsterprelaunch.com/gdi/37695

24) http://www.profitwildfire.com/gabrielm

25) http://gabrielm.bkwlt.ultimaterep.com/

You may also Copy this article,replace the ID's with yours,
and forward it in a short email to everyone you like!

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Daily Payday - email letter

[%First name%]

If you would like to own your own high profit business or if you are
someone who would like to make a lot of money quickly, this may be the
most exciting message you will ever read!

You can use our cash generating webpage to earn money from all over the
world, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You keep all 100% of the profits
yourself... And to make it even easier, it's F R E E to join!
To Your Success!



uVme - email letter2

All I can say is brace yourself for what's heading our way!

There will never again be a run up to Evolution Day.

The market is currently worth $164 USD a second, and in the next 156
weeks is expected to grow to $412 USD a second – of every minute of
every day, and growing.

It's believed that by 2009 the industry will double in size and be
worth a staggering 41 Billion GBP.

Yes, people will make fortunes after the official launch of E-Play but
while they’re going about their everyday life right now, you know
what’s coming. You have one hell of an advantage!

Understand the magnitude of what’s heading our way. It’s going to
be truly fantastical. A monster within the home business and online
gaming industry.

Today you can be in right at the very beginning but if you’re going
to be one of the many individuals who go on to make a fortune from this
you can’t sit around waiting for something to happen.

Today you need to decide to take massive action.

Get your FREE Insider Report and FREE Pre-Launch website.


Paste the above link into your browser!

Commit to action today and start building your business ahead of the

To your success,Gabriel join4profit@yahoo.com

uVme - email letter

If you have any concern for your future network marketing success, then you
really NEED to be involved with this!

There is no doubt that you have seen several of the multitude of offers suggesting
we join the EVO Evolution. I know I did, and if you have already joined up, that's
just great! If you did NOT join, WHY NOT? Are you a self-admitted Procrastinator,
or what is your excuse?

WARNING! ... Do not get left behind on this DYN-O-MITE Program.

The EVOLUTION is on the way! http://www.evolutioniscoming.com/EVO172719GM

The eVo Evolution is a solid and potentially most powerful marketing concept.
Developed in the U. K. by the incredibly successful Virtual World Direct (VWD)
company, E-Play/eVo has already been designated as 'Program of the Year 2007', and
it is being referred to as a "ground-breaking program that may well send shock waves
throughout the internet world".

This is a truly - Absolutely Truly - great opportunity to be among the first ones to
sign up, as the program is just entering pre-launch this weekend. Virtual World
Direct expects that the E-Play/eVo will ROCK the world of Network Marketing with its
triple-threat package of three current MEGATRENDS; on-line Game Playing; on-line
Social Networking; and on-line Social Marketing & entertainment offerings.

Take Any and All means necessary to SIGN UP FREE, but do not miss this outstanding
early opportunity to improve your chances for greater business success. K.I.M., the
clock only clicks forward, and by joining NOW before the July 14th mid-nite cut-off,
you will already be registered prior to Evolution Day on July 15th.

By joining FREE now you will have taken the Early-Mover Advantage and can grab your
very own web-site and will be ready for money-making action at the very beginning.
Go To:


FriendsWIN - email letter

Here is my newest business opportunity along with my link:


What is so special about Friendswin, and how is it different from other social networking sites like Myspace?
Well, Friendswin has an mlm opportunity built-in . You can earn money from recruiting other people to it. It's a 5x8 Forced Matrix that pays 8 levels deep.
The Friendswin network is going to offer features that are not available on other social networking sites. Imagine a social network with features like this:
- Video Dating
- Video Conferencing
- Marketing Tools (audio, video etc)
- Classified Ads section

Your Own E-Mail Auto Responder

- Video RESUME

- Ability To Make Calls ...and more to come!
The are 2 kinds of memberships at Friends Win.
One is free and the $9.95 a month option.


The free option will allow you to get access to all the features that Myspace or other social networks have.
The paid option will allow you to use all other services plus the opportunity to earn money from people in your matrix. This is the Most Powerful MLM business I have ever seen to be honest.
It's a business model that works and spreads like a virus accross the web. I honestly believe you cannot miss out on this opportunity and join right now to reserve your spot in the matrix.


You honestly have nothing to lose. This is a Major Deal and I believe that Friendswin is going to become huge and dominate the industry.


If you JOIN up for FREE before Dec 31st then the IMR fee of 49.95 will be waived for 1 full year
You have Nothing to Loose here and Everything to Gain !


Please come and JOIN US FOR FREE !

SIGN UP for FREE here http://www.friendswin.com/?sponsor=10614

Yours in freedom,

Y!Mess Id: join4profit


Proud Member of
GRIN Marketing Team


Leisureaudiobooks - email letter

Dear friend,

Let me start my message today,my friend, by sharing something
with you that should be obvious: it is FUN to earn tens of thousands
of dollars a week with an online business. If you are doing the right
things, and making a lot of money, having FUN is virtually

J Paul Getty, the ultra-rich oilman, was once asked why wealthy people
worked so hard, when they clearly had more money than they could ever
use. He replied, "We don't work for money. We work for FUN. Money is
just the way we keep score."

I get a double dose of FUN,my friend, when I am able to make
money by helping another person to succeed and earn great money
online. Please help me today, by taking my message to heart, so that
you and I can have fun together, and laugh all the way to the bank.

I've recently told you about Leisure Audio Books (LAB). This is an
opportunity like no other you have seen online,my friend. It is
NOT an MLM, but a simple system which will help you to reach your
financial goals with a moderate effort and a small investment.

Now, when I say "simple system", I do not mean that the system is
lacking in amazing high tech features and software -- because it is
the most powerful system I have seen, in THAT respect. The company
provides outstanding video training, and an extensive set of resources
to get you off to a great start, following their simple, step by step

Here it is in all it's simplistic glory:

1) Join: http://309.leisureaudiosales.com

2) Upgrade, preferably to platinum, but ANY upgrade will
help you to earn.

3) Set up an autoresponder, following the instructions. Personalize
the letters, if you wish.

4) Set up advertising campaigns, using the banners, splash pages,
and squeeze pages provided by the company. Just leave this on
autopilot when complete, advertising the opportunity.

5) Market Audio Books to the public, using the simple tools and
systems provided for that purpose. You will earn 25% commission
on audio book sales if you are a platinum member, compared to the
2-4% you would earn selling the exact same products for Amazon.

6) As a platinum member, you will ALSO earn 50% commission on each
person you sponsor who upgrades.

That's IT,my friend. Work casually, a few hours a week, and you
will gradually build up a massive income. Work a little harder, and
you will build that massive income more quickly.

Have some FUN,my friend, do not waste another minute!


I will summarize: if you want to make a massive online income, or a
samll online income (with less effort), LAB is the place to be. If you
have no interest in making a living online -- I am sorry to have
wasted the bandwidth on this message to you.

Gabriel Munteanu





List Bandit - email letter2

Hi Friend,

Gabriel Munteanu here with a quick announcement
of a new major list building site you must join
if you want to start building your list quickly
and automatically.

==> http://www.listbandit.com/index.php/gabrielm

This system is so powerful that it actually
builds three profitable lists at the same time.
The viral effect is out of this world!

If you're not familiar with this type of system,
you get to email to your own "list" or downline
from the website itself (people you refer).

You don't need your own web site or auto-responder!

And the coolest part about List Bandit is this...
The Bonus Prospect Matrix. Simply put, they shuffle
the members around so you can send your email to
thousands of prospects at once!

The cost: $0

But wait just a second. I should tell you now that
there is an upgrade option. It's pretty hefty but
with my experience, the upgrade is 100% worth it.
In fact, upgrading is the only way to see good results
from these types of systems.

The main thing about the upgrade is that you get
1500 members in your downline instantly! No refering
and no waiting. Plus you get to mail them all
3 times per week! That's 4500 targeted prospects
seeing your email every week. It doesn't get much
better than that. Or does it...

Actually, another reson to upgrade is that ONLY
upgraded members can receive commissions when their
direct referals choose to upgrade. So, if you're not
upgraded and your referal upgrades, "So-long to
a nice fat commission...."

Really consider the upgrade.
I'm glad I got it. It'll be totally worth it.

==> http://www.listbandit.com/index.php/gabrielm

And lastly, I need to mention another feature in List
Bandit. You get access to their downline builders in
other programs such as GDI, TheListMachine and Kiosk
web hosting. You simply personalise it with your
referal links and your downline potentially signs
up under you, putting cash in your bank.

List Bandit is actually a complete system that you
can make very sizeable profits from in more ways
than one. It's much more than just a list builder.

Truly, List Bandit is the perfect place for the
"list-less" getting started or anyone who wants to
add extra firepower to their business.

There's plenty more info on the web site, I just told
you the best I could. I recommend you go see it and
sign up for your membership today.

To your massive list,

Gabriel Munteanu,


Free Gift for you:

PS - The sooner you get in, the higher spot you'll be
placed in. Every second counts so go grab your List
Bandit membership now!

==> http://www.listbandit.com/index.php/gabrielm

List Bandit - email letter

Hello friend,

Have you heard that 1 subscriber equates to $1 in
monthly income for you?

That’s right, for every subscriber on your list you
should be averaging $1 in monthly income.


So, that means if you have 1000 subscribers you could
be generating $1000 in monthly income, all from your

Sending emails and getting money sure beats slaving
away at some 9-5, underpaid and overworked, if you
ask me.

But… take it a step further… what if you could get
2500 subscribers… or 5000 subscribers… or even 10,000
or more?

You guessed it …

Then you could be generating $2500, $5000, or even
$10,000 or more per month, every single month.

All just for pushing one measly little “send” button.

Sound like something you can handle?

Sure it does… who wouldn’t want that?

But first you have to build that list. And just
how do you do that?

Well, if you had asked me that question a month
ago I would have told you to prepare for months of
hard work, dedication, and hundreds or thousands

That was then.

This is now.

Today, I’d suggest grabbing a free account at List
Bandit, the one resource with the tools potent
enough to quickly and easily build that list for you.

This brand new program is attracting people by
the thousands because its developer, Gary Ambrose,
is one of the most recognized email experts in
the business.

And now he’s handing you the tools to build your
list, easily and automatically.

All you need to do is register now, for free, at


and let the program handle the heavy lifting.

Don’t delay. The sooner you sign on, the sooner
you start generating that incredible monthly income
with your profitable new list.

Here’s To Your New List,


Gabriel Munteanu

Y!mess ID: join4profit
Email: office@gabrielmunteanu.ws

YOUR#No.1Business Center:

Michael Badger-free money - email letter

FREE MONEY!-Ignore This Now and You Will Regret it Later!
OK, I didn't believe this one either
when I first saw it.
It LOOKS too good to be true.
But I have to warn you, if you
ignore this now you will regret
it later.
The latest viral explosion to hit the
internet has just been launched.

Its BIG, and like it or not, you
WILL be hearing about it, so you
may as well just take a look now.
You WILL be hearing about how
people are making m0ney JUST
for signing up!
Literally… enter your name
and email and you're done. You never
have to do anything else and you will
receive a MONTHLY 1ncome.
There are definitely benefits
to getting into this one early.
Will YOU get those benefits?
Or will someone else?
It's really up to you!

My Power Mall email letter2

Your FREE Mall will have 1000 stores - Get One Today!


- MY POWER MALL really is FREE. There’s no cost to you – EVER.

- There’s nothing to SELL. All you have to do is shop in any one of
1000 stores on your own personal Mall and buy whatever you and your
family need and want.

- There is no qualifying to receive your income. When you make it,
it’s yours. Pretty simple.

- There are no meetings. People already know how to shop!

- All tools are FREE. You're given everything you need.

My Power Mall has created the perfect system that will harness the
Power of Online Spending to Change Lives. In fact, that’s their motto.
Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Change Lives!
If you're intrigued and want to know more, please visit my website at:


You'll be able to view a great video and have every question answered.

I look forward to working with you!

Gabriel Munteanu

PS: Your Best Bet for Success:

Want A FREE Optin List of Thousands ... By Tomorrow?


And a Gift for you ,FREE Avertising Service:


My Power Mall email letter1

Hello ,

You’re looking for a business opportunity. I’m so glad because it
means you want to change your life. I’m sure you already know how
important it is to find that right opportunity. When I started looking for
a business I knew that 97% of people who try to find financial freedom
through a home-based business fail so I knew whatever I chose had to be
different! There were certain "Givens."


* It had to be FREE so every person who wanted to change their
lives would have a chance.

* It had to be simple.

* It had to take away all the “business games” that kept most
people from succeeding in a home-based business.


The "Givens" were answered when I found MY POWER MALL!

I’m not going to take time to explain it because MY POWER MALL has
created some powerful movies and a great website that will do just that.

I will tell you it is totally new, totally FREE, very simple, and can
be done in conjunction with anything else you are doing to generate
financial freedom.
You could easily be making $4 - 6000 a month, but your
income potential is unlimited. Interested? Click the button below! It
will only take a few minutes to determine if our FREE program is what you
have been looking for. I believe it is!


Gabriel Munteanu
PS: Your Best Bet for Success:

if you're operating an Online Business,you definetely need these systems:
1) http://www.grinteam.com/?26
2) http://zerocostrecruiting.com/r/gabrielm/home.html

osi.homebiztruth.com-email letter

Hello my friend,

Thank you for opening this message… I promise you it’ll be

well worth your time.

I’ll get right to the point…

I want to GIVE you a brand new business and wealth building

system for free.


That’s right… you won’t be charged a single penny for this

amazing system.

In fact… if you follow the simple plan that’s included with

the system, you’ll NEVER have to take another cent out

of your pocket.

This is a revolutionary approach to business building. The

likes you’ve never seen before.


Here’s how it basically works…

The system REVERSES the entire business building

process so you quickly build an organization -- first -- by

giving away the system.

Once you’ve given away 5 systems, you’ll be in a position

to profit and can join the first business in the system. You

then take a small portion of your profits and pay your



This process continues until you have joined all eight

businesses in the system and are earning over $8,500 per

month without ever having to take another dime out of your


Each member in your organization will follow you into all

8 businesses. And as they do, they will pay you an ever

increasing commission out of a portion of their profits.

This simple progression, EXPLODES your recurring income

and allows you to build 8 independent businesses and create

a quality lifestyle for yourself and your family… with virtually

NO out-of-pocket expense!


You are provide with the tools, materials and a plan that

shows you step-by-step how to give away your system

for free and build your organization at the same time.

It takes less than 10 minutes a day – 5 days a week to

implement your plan which saves you even more time and


And because your giving away the system for free…

people are joining like crazy. So it easier than ever to

build your organization.


Now ANYONE has the opportunity to create wealth…

…regardless of ANY limitations.

So if you’re tired of the lies and all the hype that’s

constantly being shoved down your throat… click on the

link below and check out this incredible system.

I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Click here:


I can honestly say that this program truly lives up to

it’s potential.

Kind regards,
Gabriel join4profit@yahoo.com
FREE Gift for you: http://www.hits2u.com/?359510

P.S. I know you’re not happy with the inc.ome you’re

earning… otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this message.

So you have nothing to lose by checking this opportunity

Out. Besides… do you think your income will

miraculously increase by doing nothing?

VIRAL SHOCK - email letter

Hi Friend,

If you've ever pictured yourself owning a massive opt-in list...

and creating an avalanche of cash each time you push the 'send'
button...then look no further.

I've stumbled an amazing piece of software that actually PAYS you while
your list grows itself!

==> http://www.viralshock.com/members/gabrielm

No kidding.

And it doesn't matter if you currently do not have an existing
list, product or website.

For a limited time period only, you can grab one of the 129 FREE Beta
testing accounts left...and see just how powerful this software is!

So go grab your account now before it's too late.

==> http://www.viralshock.com/members/gabrielm

With this software, you'll actually get paid while you see your list
grow right before your very eyes.

It's that powerful.

So, make sure you get your FREE account now!

==> http://www.viralshock.com/members/gabrielm

To Your Success!

Gabriel Munteanu ,


Free Gift for you:

Viral URL email letter



Look, there is a limited window of opportunity for you to make some quick cash!
For every person you sign up, you will get paid $1.00! And I'm not even discussing
the backend!

Think about it, how many people are on your list?

Wait . . . How many people do you know?

Check out the Gold Member commission stream, or should I say flood?

Plus, once you find out about the viral nature of the product,
how it can cloak your links and protect your commissions,
its' a hands-down must-have for 2007!

Here's the link to get started:

**** http://ViralURL.com/gabrielm ****

Viral URL is an amazing system created by Frank Bauer and Colin Klinkert.

Frank's been creating effective systems online for sometime now and this one is a
definite winner in my books.

As a Gold Member, you can email 3000 random members Every 3 Days!

>>>>>> http://ViralURL.com/gabrielm <<<<<<

It's free to join... but this is one of those resources
you want to take advantage of the upgrade if you can!

Contact me with your questions, I'll be here all day
and happy to help any way that I can.

Have a great day!


Direct Matches-email letter 2

Dear friend,

http://www.directmatches.com/gabrielm is the first online multi-matchmaking Community to provide a powerful forum for:




Business Networking

Everyone wants and needs relationships, both business and personal.

The Directmatches.com community is the first to offer both with their unique Multi-Matchmaking service,
and it is the first to pay you for developing those relationships!

Join for FREE and reserve your position in the community today! Take the Directmatches opportunity for a test-drive. You can:

·Post a photo and profile. Then preview member matches.

·Examine the Multi-Referral Marketing System and be notified when new members join your group.

·Access the Back Office for marketing tools, sales activity reports, and to preview your business.

·Find out how the Desktop Manager will help you grow and manage your business.
JOIN FREE ! http://www.directmatches.com/gabrielm

Get Connected ... Advertise your business ... Network with 1000's of business people from around the world ...

The largest online community of entrepreneurs where like-minded people meet, look for new opportunities, and network their business.

I have met many wonderful people here, made new business relationships, and brought new partners into my exisiting business ...
I highly recommend DirectMATCHES as the BEST place online to network and do business!

Try it now for FREE! ...

Go to my website and set up your profile ... you will amazed by the results ... and you will have more fun than you could ever imagine!


P.S. In the last four days I have made over 100 contacts linked to 639,505 networking contacts.

To Your Success,



Y!Mess ID : join4profit

Direct Matches-email letter

Dear friend,

Because you're a valued friend and associate, you know I would never
recommend a business opportunity that did not have a very high level of
potential for success. I was recently introduced to a company that has a
mass appeal, concept and services far above anything I have seen in

PLUS, you'll be one of the FIRST to get in on the ground floor of the
company that has created the most buzz I've seen in years! Think of some
of the biggest companies out there, and what your opportunity would
have been to be one of the first signed up!

We've all worked with many MLM companies, made some money, had some
failures. What 's the biggest reason people fail at MLM? It's difficult to
convince people to buy lotions, potions and pills and in most cases,
spend over $100 per month in expensive auto ships.

What's another reason people fail in MLM? FINDING PEOPLE to join your
business! How would you like to join a company that is ALL about people?
It's about matching people with those that have the same interests,
desires and goals. It's about finding people for your MLM, your home
business, it's about finding jobs, it's about finding your perfect mate,
it's about networking in every area of life!

I've been approached to join many new business opportunities, but they
just didn't excite me until I saw Direct Matches! You have to feel
passionate about what you're doing to get others interested, and I just
didn't see anything of personal interest to me until now. I felt I'd have
to find an opportunity with mass appeal for people looking for a
business opportunity that wouldn't put a huge dent in someone's bank account
just to sign up!

Along comes http:/www.directmatches.com/gabrielm

Directmatches covers it all! It covers the market for singles looking
for their perfect mate.

It covers the Direct Sales market for MLM and networkers looking for
people to join their opportunities.

It provides job postings for potential employers and job seekers.

It can find and connect you with potential friends and associates that
have the same hobbies or interests that you do.

Direct Matches is a company with credibility. Direct Matches belongs to
the Direct Selling Association, E-Trust, Greater Reston Chamber of
Commerce, US Chamber of Commerce and has hired Gerald Nehra, MLM
Specialist and Private Practice Attorney on retainer.

The potential for earning is the most lucrative in the industry.

Go to the http://www.directmatches.com/gabrielm

website and check out the PRIME-4-REWARD COMPENSATION PLAN!

Don't take my word for it, go to the website, join for FREE and check
out the compensation plan, the services and see for yourself how Direct
Matches can and will be the company you'll retire with!

You can join FREE, but even at the executive level we're only talking
about less than $30 monthly, with the potential of making $2,000 to
$12,000 per week! The biggest and most successful net workers in the
industry are joining us in this cutting-edge opportunity! Hey, why don't you
jump in and take one of the first positions at the top of the company?
How many times have you wished you could get a chance like this and
beat the crowd? Just TAKE IT!

2. Use this sample sales letter for advertising or other marketing

Have You Ever REALLY Been In On The Ground Floor of a Phenomenal Home
Business Opportunity?

Have you ALWAYS felt like you were never at the right place at the
right time, always hearing about the, "heavy hitters," of MLM that somehow
seemed to be the first in and the first to make the BIG BUCKS?

What would you think if I told you it was YOUR turn to find THE BIG
opportunity, and that you would be one of the first in the Company with
ALL the Big Time MLM'rs?

Let me ask you something else. Are you tired of spending HUGE amounts
of money on expensive auto ships of lotions, potions and pills? Is your
closet full of "stuff," you'll never use?

Welcome to http://www.directmatches.com/gabrielm

Direct Matches is ONLY about PEOPLE! It's about providing a service
that brings people together that are actively looking for business
opportunities, jobs, friends, partners and many other connections people are
looking for!

Does the word "start up," scare you? Well, Direct Matches is no start
up! Direct Matches has credibility. Direct Matches belongs to the Direct
Selling Association, E-Trust, Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce, the
US Chamber of Commerce, and they have hired Gerald Nehra, MLM
Specialist and Private Practice Attorney on retainer.

The earning potential is the most lucrative in the Industry.

Go to: http://www.directmatches.com/gabrielm


You can JOIN at the Executive Level for less than $30, and have the
potential of making between $2000 and $12,000 per week!

Don't slam the door to opportunity then sit back and wish you'd taken
what could be YOUR BIG CHANCE at amazing income! Don't let the "Big
Boys," (and GALS) be the first to get in on this ground floor opportunity!

It seems that many people would rather sit back and take a wait-and-see
attitude, and NEVER have success in their lives, because they don't
have the heart to be GREAT! If you've always dreamed of something more
than an average and ordinary life, get involved, have your own business,
make it happen NOW!


1. Where Technology helps find the perfect match –

2. Where Relationships build Income! Try it out Free!

3. The only place where you get paid to meet people!

4. Meet people, make money! Try it Free.

5. Networks people. A proven leader in online matchmaking services,
with revolutionary tools to help millions find their perfect business, job
or dating match.

6. Thousands of happy endings start right here….Try it Free!

7. Offers free matchmaking and personals for people seeking friendship,
romance or professional contacts.

Enjoy yourself

Gabriel Munteanu

Free Viral Advertising-300 million people to see your any website

Hello,my friend, Join Free Get 1000's of Referrals

This is a hot site. Join for free and you will be
able to get up to 300,000,000 members advertising
your sites for you.

See how this works.

What is Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing is a lot like gossip, it starts with
one person and multiplies like wildfire throughout
the whole neighborhood.

How does this happen? One person tells another
person, that person, tells 5 more. Those 5 people
each tell 5 other people, and this process
continues until finally, everybody knows.

Viral marketing works exactly the same way.
If you tell just 5 people about your website,
and those 5 each tell 5 more, 5 becomes 25,
becomes 125, becomes 625, becomes 3125,
becomes 15625 and it keeps multipliying. Just like one cent
will eventually turn into $10 Million Dollars if you
double it for 30 days.

Visit: http://www.free-viral-advertising.com/index.php?r=243
to see the Power of Viral Marketing in Action

Viral Marketing Not Only Brings Real People To
Your Website, It Also, Gives You 1000's Of Marketers
Advertising Your Ads For You All For Free!

These are Real Website Visitors. These Visitors
are NOT Generated from Popup or Pop Under
Windows. These are Real Visitors, Looking at
Your Website, Generating Real Sales.

Would You Like To Receive 387,420,489+
Guaranteed Free Real Visitors To Your Website?

And at the same time build a network of 1000's
of Marketers Advertising your Ads for you all
for Free?

See how the Power of Viral Marketing works in
making your website a success.

Visit: http://www.free-viral-advertising.com/index.php?r=243

to see the Power of Viral Marketing in Action

To Your Success,

Gabriel office@gabrielmunteanu.ws

Y!mess id: join4profit


Social/Business Center and Resources:


GRIN Team - HTML code

INSERT THIS HTML CODE ON YOUR ANY WEBSITE(right-click to see View Page Source,then Copy and Paste this code):

Get Your Own 100%
Free Generic Website

This Website Will Help You Build Your Businesses.. For Free!

  • Step-By-Step Daily Training

  • Plug-N-Play (Insert Your Links
    and Go)

  • Social and Team-Driven Network

Your Website Today!

Get Your Own 100% Free Generic Website
This Website Will Help You Build Your Businesses.. For Free!
• Step-By-Step Daily Training Guide
• Plug-N-Play (Insert Your Links and Go)
• Social and Team-Driven Network
Claim Your Website Today!

Invite letter

SUBJECT: Please read this and get back to me, ok?


Thanks for opening this important email.
I value your time and ask that you visit
my site and fill out the form to request
information about my business.
I will follow-up with you personally and
look forward to connecting.

Please visit:
[enter the url to your lead capture page]

Let’s connect soon, ok?


Your Full Name

Your email address

Your Phone Number

Your website

GDI - email letter (L.romana)

Draga prietene,

Te-ai gandit vreodata sa ai propriul TAU website,personal,in Internet?

Si mai ales,cum ar fi ca o companie sa te si plateasca pt asta? Pe VIATA !!!

Utilizeaza ACUM propriul TAU website si le poti arata acum ,de ex.,
TOATE pozele tale si TOATE noutatile prietenilor,rudelor si/sau cunostintelor
tale fara a mai fi nevoie sa mai trimiti emailuri(care limiteaza f mult)

Asigura-ti ACUM PROPRIUL TAU Nume de Domeniu,care va fi al tau PE VIATA !!!

Construieste-ti propriile tale pagini cu un program f simplu si extrem de
usor de utilizat, si poti si sa le schimbi cum si cand doresti.

Mai mult,in caz ca nu esti prea sigur cum sa faci asta,noi chiar te putem
ajuta sa ai propriul website ,pe GRATIS !!!!!!!!!!

Toate acestea,plus 10 casute de email personalizate plus Hosting si altele
intr-un absolut Complete Website Package ,le poti incerca acum GRATUIT 7
zile (+ inca 28 zile ca sa testezi afacerea)si poti chiar sa incepi imediat
sa faci bani si sa dezvolti venit rezidual PE VIATA daca acorzi atentie
sistemului financiar atasat!!!

Poti utiliza sistemul care va plati PE VIATA pt toate lucrurile de care ai
nevoie si pe care ti le doresti,lucrand in ritmul tau,atunci cand vrei,esti
propriul tau sef si poti face Venit NELIMITAT,din zona ta de confort,avand
si sprijinul si participarea 100% a ECHIPEI noastre pt a realiza IMPREUNA
veniturile pe care ni le dorim cu totii !

Pt. detalii,simplu click pe link-ul de mai jos :


GDI - email letter 2

Hello Friend, Have you ever considered having your own personal web site on the

Use your own web site to show your friends and relatives around the
all your latest pictures and news without having to send e-mails,
(which can be very limited.)

Get YOUR OWN Domain Name, which is Yours for Life,
build your own pages with a simple to use page builder, and change it
whenever you wish.
We will even help you build it for FREE if you are unsure how to do this.

All this and more can be yours, and best of all you can try it all for
7 days without paying any money.

If you use this system you can also earn money to help pay for the
better things in life you have always wished for.

Simply click on the link below for more details.


Best Wishes

Gabriel Munteanu


Visit the Business Center for complete info:

http://www.apsense.com/abc/gabrielm Y!Mess ID: join4profit Visit: http://www.free-viral-advertising.com/index.php?r=243
to see the Power of Viral Marketing in Action
And here's another FREE Gift for you: http://www.hits2u.com/?359510

GDI - email letter

Hello friend ,

Just think about it, how would you like to have one dollar for every
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ever fantasized about having one dollar for every automobile that
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1-800 phone numbers were first introduced? Now there are no more
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You have 888's 877's etc. I wish I could somehow wave a magic wand
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Global Domains International Inc.ws (GDI).
I hope you are a visionary. Your total cost to participate is only
$10 per month.

This Business is Like Owning a stock Share of Bill Gates Micrisoft
or Intel Corporation, Apple or many others like Hersheys.
Eaven Google and Yahoo are Domain Owners.

Stake Your Claim NOW >>>>


Sign up NOW!! (or you will regret it forever)


Please feel welcome to visit the business center for more info:


Finally, A Social Network That Pays Lifetime Commissions!

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Would you like a new list every single day of the week?
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Yours In Freedom,

Gabriel Munteanu , office@gabrielmunteanu.ws

Hey, you need to look at this business if you are serious about
securing your financial future, and thanks for visiting.

This is a fully automated money making machine. You just set,
forget and follow-up. You do no selling, telling or explaining
with this program. The system does all that for you, very
effectively I might add. There is no one else on the internet who
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one is at the top of the heap.


You can make a buck here and there on the internet through a
variety of different means but long term residual income seems so
fleeting. You make a dollar and then have to do the work all over
again for another. The key is to build your business once and
retire to the beaches of the world, unless of coarse you enjoy
beating your head against the wall, be my guest. But you don’t
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few short weeks.

You need only build this one once.Because of the powerful pay
plan and product, you can rest easy knowing your business will
only continue to grow after you have reached a point where you
want to take a trip around the world, or whatever else you want
to do.

Don’t let the free sign-up and $10.00 a month product fool you.
There is great power in the small monthly financial requirement.
If you’re not greedy you can see it. You see, every one can join
and maintain this one. How many people have not signed up to your
other programs because they couldn’t afford it? Hundreds? Not in
this one.

Those who want a great opportunity can get it through this one.
In fact they are signing up by the thousands. It has been coined
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Isn’t it your turn for a program that will work for you instead
of one you have to work.

Try the fully automated money machine today for free. Give it a
test drive and see if what I say isn’t so. Then you decide for
your self. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

Don’t miss out on this one. Trust me, you will regret it by this
time next year if you do. Instead of resting in peace you will
be still doing the same thing and getting the same results and
still be looking. Is that really what you want? I think not.

Buckle up. Hold on to you're seat. TURN UP YOUR SPEAKERS and get
ready for the RIDE OF YOUR LIFE!!

Info Site: http://www.movie.ws/gabim

PRODUCT OVERVIEW : Click Here-The Complete WebStart Package

Short "Movie" Presentation: http://www.movie.ws/gabim/show

To Your Success,

Gabriel Munteanu

P.S. This one is for everyone! Join for free today! Only $10.00 a
month to maintain!


Hi Friend,

Take a look at this booming business from the
inside and you will be impressed. See why MILLIONS
of entrepreneurs from countries all over the world
have become GDI affiliates.

Why?...Simple... Great benefits! And it works.

With your GDI account, you'll receive a
fully-automated customized GDI Website ready to
make money for you.

You can use GDI's powerful, proven system
to create an income stream that can gradually
replace your current job or career --

Earn income globally, 24 hours a day both cash
AND on going, Renewal Income (do it once,

get paid forever residual-style income).

My friend, you CAN do this!


By simply referring people to your site,
you can create an extra income stream of
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It is FUN, EASY work to do!

Many of our Affiliates do nothing more than print
their GDI Web address on their business cards,
stationery, etc. We take it from there!

At GDI, we are committed fully to helping you build
a profitable online enterprise. Indeed! Even my upline
team will be supporting you as well.

Review the 7 minute movie.

Sign up today with No Obligation!
Join - GDI Account Set-Up

To Your Success,

Gabriel Munteanu

Business Center:


Here's more info about GDI

Watch this NEW Informative
Full Length GDI Video
Tells everything you need to know about
GDI's Business & Opportunity


GDI's Products
Point & Click Website Builder,

Free Email Accounts & Hosting Plans




Corporate Info - The .WS Story



See What others say about GDI



Join - GDI Account Set-Up

And a FREE Gift for you!
The World’s Best FREE Advertising Service:
