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Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Viral URL email letter



Look, there is a limited window of opportunity for you to make some quick cash!
For every person you sign up, you will get paid $1.00! And I'm not even discussing
the backend!

Think about it, how many people are on your list?

Wait . . . How many people do you know?

Check out the Gold Member commission stream, or should I say flood?

Plus, once you find out about the viral nature of the product,
how it can cloak your links and protect your commissions,
its' a hands-down must-have for 2007!

Here's the link to get started:

**** http://ViralURL.com/gabrielm ****

Viral URL is an amazing system created by Frank Bauer and Colin Klinkert.

Frank's been creating effective systems online for sometime now and this one is a
definite winner in my books.

As a Gold Member, you can email 3000 random members Every 3 Days!

>>>>>> http://ViralURL.com/gabrielm <<<<<<

It's free to join... but this is one of those resources
you want to take advantage of the upgrade if you can!

Contact me with your questions, I'll be here all day
and happy to help any way that I can.

Have a great day!


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