welcome to part two of the email based course
"Generating traffic and income with the ProfitRally marketing system."
In the first part you learned about the basic concept of a Traffic Exchange
and why it is important to spread your marketing message over a number of
different TEs.
You also learned about how a URL Rotator can help you manage your
advertising campaigns and today I'd like to introduce you to a few
features of the free ProfitRally URL Rotator:
- Weighting:
Let's say you have 10 different pages that you want to advertise via
the rotator, but they are not all equally important to you.
You may have an investment in some programs and want these to receive
as many hits as possible. Other programs may not be on your priority
list at the moment but you still want do some advertising for them.
With the ProfitRally URL Rotator you can fine tune your campaigns
by adding weight to each of your URLs. A weight of 1 is the standard,
but you can go as high as 5 for each URL, which will then receive 5 times
as many hits.
You can also disable an URL by giving it a weight of 0, so it will not
receive any hits at all.
- Promotional frame:
This is a unique feature by ProfitRally and offers a great benefit to the
Normally, the usage of the URL Rotator is completely invisible to the visitor.
The redirection happens so fast that it cannot be noticed.
The ProfitRally rotator allows you to optionally display your page in a frameset,
with the website you're advertising in the larger bottom part of the window and
your own description in the upper section.
Why is this so cool?
TE users don't spend a lot of time on your pages, or at least they don't pay much
attention. By adding a short description to your page you can grab their attention
and give them a short summary of the page you're advertising.
This feature is so new that most visitors have never seen it, attracting views all
by itself.
The upper frame that contains your description will always display the ProfitRally
Logo and the words "I'm using the free ProfitRally URL Rotator,
where showing this frame is optional."
This is very effective recruiting tool and will help you bring more personal
referrals to ProfitRally.
This concludes part two of our eCourse.
Depending on your level of experience you may be underwhelmed with what you've seen
so far ;-). Be ready for part three where we will start with the really hot topics,
showing you how to generate huge amounts of traffic by referring new users to
Traffic Exchange programs, why this only works in theory for most people and how to
avoid the "Downline Trap".
For your convenience, here are three more recommended Traffic Exchange programs.
These are run by the same owner and usually are counted among the top 3 in quality,
reliability and service:
SignupURL: http://www.profitrally.com/signup.php?user_id=33232&prog_id=43
+ 2:1 Surf Ratio
+ Sell your credits for cash
+ 5 levels of traffic referrals
SignupURL: http://www.profitrally.com/signup.php?user_id=33232&prog_id=23
+ 1:1 Surf Ratio
+ 5 levels of traffic referrals
+ Traffic Prizes
+ Email ads and text hotlinks
SignupURL: http://www.profitrally.com/signup.php?user_id=33232&prog_id=45
+ 2:1 Surf Ratio
+ 5 levels of traffic referrals
+ 15 levels Paid commissions
+ Mystery credits won 24/7
+ Exciting SurfGames
So long, wishing you every success,
Axel Steininger and your ProfitRally sponsor: Gabriel Munteanu
Remember: Should you decide to join me at ProfitRally please do so using this link:
The text of this email is Copyright 2004 by Axel Steininger
It may not be reproduced as a whole or in part without prior written consent
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Gabriel Munteanu,
Internet Marketer,
Social Networker&IBO
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Skype: atlantiss66
Phone: 40766959282
Direct Matches
ApSense community-Get Paid while you promote your business!
PS. I want you to check out this Apsense article:
Title: My Partners Places
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P.S. The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch. (Jim Rohn)
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