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Saturday, 19 January 2008

ProfitRally eCourse Part 1- Generating traffic and income with the ProfitRally marketing system


welcome to part one of the email based course "Generating traffic and
in-come with the ProfitRally marketing system."

This course will show you what ProfiRally is about and will give you a
short introduction to the tools the system provides. You will also
receive a general insight into the mechanics of Online Marketing and
which strategies to follow to maximize your success.

The foundation of any marketing is getting people to see your ads, no
matter whether you're advertising online or offline. (Once you have
found ways to get the word out you can start thinking about the
effectiveness of your advertising. This will be dealt with in a later
part of this course).

For online advertising, Traffic Exchange (TE) programs are among the
most effective tools for getting your ad in front of a lot of people.
In fact, chances are good that you signed up to this course via a page
that was advertised in a TE. Instant proof that this kind of marketing
works ;-)

The concept of a TE is simple:

You view other members' websites and in return your own pages will be
shown to those members. Different programs will have different ratios
for this, these are usually indicated as a 1:1, 2:1 or 3:2 ratios.

What does that mean? With a 2:1 ratio your own website will be shown
once for every 2 websites that you view yourself. Hmm. What happens to
the one page view that is left? Usually the TE owner will sell these
credits or use them for their own marketing. Only fair I'd say,
running a large TE is not exactly cheap. Decent servers cannot be
rented for $4.95 per month.

One problem that might arise from using TEs is the fact that you are
always advertising to the members of the given program.

Here are three reasons why this is not a big problem:

1) The member numbers of these programs are huge, often exceeding
100.000. Even to reach every member of a single TE you'd have to do a
lot of advertising.

2) New members are constantly signing up. These
are often people that are new to the whole online marketing universe,
so there is a lot of potential customers you can present your ads to.

3) There are a lot of TEs out there, and they all have different
members. Not 100% different, but still a high level of diversity.

Point 3 is also the reason why I think using only a few of the best
TEs is not the way to go.
Often you will want to target new users with your ads, and not the
experienced online marketer who already has all the tools and resources
they need.
New users enter the world of online marketing via one single program and
you want to be there when they do.

Chances are they do not start out with the top 5 Traffic Exchanges, so
you have to spread your marketing over a wide range of programs.
In fact, inside of ProfitRally we are currently promoting more than 30
programs. May seem like a lot, but we will provide the tools you need
to manage all of these programs effectively.

A problem that arrises when using a lot of different TE programs is
the management of the websites you want to advertise through them. You
can't possibly update your account in 30 Exchanges when you decide to
send visitors to a different page.

A handy tool to make this easier is an URL rotator and ProfitRally
will provide you with a high quality implementaion.

The concept: You put a redirection between the visitor and the sites
you want to advertise. The visitor arrives at your URL rotator and is
then sent to a page you specify. You can take a look at how this works
by clicking on this link:


Every time you click this link a different page will open.

URL Rotators come in many flavors, but ProfitRally gives you one for
f.ree and offers a number of features that are not available anywhere
else. As an example, it allows you to add a short description to each
of your sites.

Of course it is ad free and gives you detailed, up to the second

You can sign up at ProftRally right away to receive your free URL
Rotator: Just click this link:

And while you're at it, here are a few Traffic Exchange programs where
you can enter your Rotator URL and start advertising your websites
right away:

Signup Link: http://www.profitrally.com/signup.php?user_id=33232&prog_id=66

One of the premier Traffic Exchange programs out there.
Traffic Syndicate 25 invented a whole new "syndicate" system that
will reward hard working members.
The whole concept is rather complicated but boils down to this:
You will be rewarded for all your activities, be it surfing for
credits, referring new members or sending visitors to your referral
The more you work, the higher up in the syndicate downline you will be
placed, with other members positioned below you.
So for the first time ever you will be able to build a huge downline
(2500 members) without having to refer any new members, but by actively
using and promoting the system.

Signup Link: http://www.profitrally.com/signup.php?user_id=33232&prog_id=32

Traffic Exchange with a Cowboy theme.
Fun to use, they give you a 2:1 exchange ratio and 10% referral credits on 4 levels.

Signup Link: http://www.profitrally.com/signup.php?user_id=33232&prog_id=15

One of the largest and longest running TEs out there, with close to 40,000 members.
3:1 to 2:1 exchange ratio and 4 referral levels: 10%-10%-15%-15%

Signup Link: http://www.profitrally.com/signup.php?user_id=33232&prog_id=8

A well established program with a 2:1 surf ratio and 4 referral levels.
Lets you promote your banners and text links as well.

This concludes part one of our eCourse. In part two I will introduce
you to some more recommended Traffic Exchange programs and give you an
in depth look at the ProfitRally URL rotator.

So long, wishing you every success,

Axel Steininger and your ProfitRally sponsor: Gabriel Munteanu
Remember: Should you decide to join me at ProfitRally please do so using this link:


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It may not be reproduced as a whole or in part without prior written consent

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Internet Marketer,
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