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Thursday, 10 January 2008

Viral Link Tracker-email letter 2

Subject: !FIRSTNAME!, Don't Pay For Web Traffic!


Can you use more traffic to your websites?If you're like most marketers online,
I'm guessing the answer is yes...I just discovered a new online tool that generates viral traffic for you automatically, for as many websites as you want.

The most amazing thing is that it is free, and also you don't need to change much about what you already do.I know it sounds too good to be true, but let me assure you...- It's NOT some unethical or "black hat" traffic generating tactic- It IS 100% real, 100% professional, and 100% effective- It has NOTHING to do with safelists, FFA, traffic exchanges, spam, submitters, or anything else- It has EVERYTHING to do with a breakthrough new tactic that will blow you away when you see it The easiest way to explain is for you to see it for yourself.

Just go here....http://www.virallinktracker.com/vlt/?aff=7492

This is REALLY cool.Gabriel

PS - They may start charging for it soon, so get over there now...

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